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tape par tape : Transfer pricing

Transfer pricing arrangements between subsidiaries of a multinational company may have a direct impact on taxes payable.

tape par tape : Labour and employment law

In Qubec, the employer/employee relationship is largely governed by the Civil Code of Qubec, the Act Respecting Labour Standards and various related laws.

Publications : Montral, a hub of visual effects creative talent

Greater Montral is a highly competitive environment for visual effects studios.

Publications : Montral among the most connected regions in the world

Analysis of Montrals degree of internationalization in North America.

Publications : Montral ranked 5th in the world for video games

Montral boasts a winning combination of the key assets video game studios are looking for.

Publications : Montral: Canadian aerospace capital

Montral is recognized around the world as one of the largest aerospace capitals.

Publications : Montral: why invest in artificial intelligence

Montral has firmly established itself as a global artificial intelligence leader.