Green batteries : Nano One invests in cathode production

Nano One, a producer of lithium-ion battery cathode materials, announces a major investment for its Commercialization Hub in Candiac, on Montréal’s South Shoreto expand production capacity for this critical component in the clean energy transition.
This milestone investment is supported by an $18 million contribution from the Québec government, announced by Christine Fréchette, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy. The project’s total value is estimated at $63.4 million.
“By investing $18 million in the Nano One pilot plant project, we are giving ourselves the means to strengthen Québec’s expertise in local green battery manufacturing. With such initiatives, our government continues to position Québec as a leader in this critical sector for both our energy transition and our economy”, said Christine Fréchette, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy and Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development
This significant investment will allow Nano One to further adapt its Candiac facility for a pilot project aimed at increasing LFP production from 200 to 2,000 tonnes. The company also intends to enhance its training programs for customers and partners.
Established in Candiac in 2022, Nano One produces LFP cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. Its patented “One-Pot” process enables lower-cost production while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The Candiac plant was built by Phostech Lithium in 2010. At the time, it was North America’s sole LFP commercial production plant, and one of the largest in the world. It was acquired in 2022 by Nano One, whose headquarters are in Vancouver, British Columbia.
For more details, please consult the company’s official press release here.
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