Greater Montréal : The place to be for US companies

In the past few months, several US companies have chosen to set up in Greater Montréal despite the pandemic.
TheGuarantors opened a new engineering and development office in Montréal. Data analytics firm Behavox followed suit and started up an innovation and operations centre downtown that can accommodate up to 400 workers. The key factor for both decisions: the availability and quality of the talent.
Talent is a priority for any organization that wants to grow. In the United States, companies are now facing a major obstacle considering the US government’s recent decision to suspend H-1B work permits for qualified workers and often used in high-tech sectors. In response to these new restrictions, several companies are turning to Canada to tap into the best talent pool.
Despite the travel restrictions still in effect in Canada, foreign workers can still apply for work permits online. In addition to a few expected extra delays, the different ministries and departments involved will continue to process the applications coming in.
Now is the ideal time, more than ever, to set up in Montréal. Furthermore, foreign companies supported by Montréal International have invested a record $1.38 billion in the first six months of 2020, which is a 10% increase compared to the first half of last year.
Montréal International: experts who are always there for you
Over the years, Montréal International has developed quite a number of services to assist companies that are established here or want to set up in the city to find the best talent in their field.
We assist in the immigration process for your qualified foreign workers and their family, particularly by helping them obtain official temporary stay documents. We also give information sessions on immigration procedures and compliance requirements for employers.
To learn more about our free and confidential services and how we can assist you, feel free to contact us. Our team can open any door to ensure your company’s success in Greater Montréal.
Watch our latest webinar
To learn more about the advantages of setting up your business in Montréal and what our city has to offer, you can watch the replay of our webinar hosted by Montréal International and Exeo Attorneys on September 3, 2020. We discussed practical solutions for US and international companies, including how to transfer staff under H-1B and L-1 visas to your Montréal office.