Tax and legal measures for the LSHT sector in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis

Discover our special webinar on the solutions available to help you get through the COVID-19 crisis
Businesses working in the life sciences and health technologies (LSHT) sector, with their highly specific needs (working capital, etc.), must maintain their liquidity to deal with the present crisis.
Montréal International invites you to participate in a special webinar (in French), in collaboration with BIOQuébec, on Thursday April 16, from 2 pm to 3 pm.
Guest experts:
Louis Cossette Ph.D., expert in government incentives in the life sciences sector, Deloitte, and Christian Leblanc, main lawyer associate, Fasken, will present the various economic measures available to businesses working in the LSHT sector.
Anie Perrault, Executive Manager, BIOQuébec, will give an overview of the results of this organization’s consultation with the industry’s players on the subject of the COVID-19 crisis.
Delivered in French and followed by a round of questions and answers open to all, this presentation will broach the following issues in particular:
- New tax programs
- Legal remedies in times of crisis
- SR&ED tax credits
- Loan guarantees for R&D tax credits
- Enhanced R&D tax credit for salaries and wages
Methods of participation on the day of the event
On the day of the event, Thursday April 16 at 2 pm, choose how you would like to participate:
1. Use the website
2. Use the mobile application (iOS or Android):
Room identifier: 631-738-655
Please note that you will have the opportunity to ask questions; details will be provided at the beginning of the presentation.
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